Wellness on Wheels

For the past six summers, we have partnered with Penn State Health to provide fruits and vegetables, along with health education topics, at our two evening bookmobile stops in Londonderry and East Hanover Township. CTC purchases the produce and Penn State Health provides a nurse and med student to educate the families on various health topics.

The Wellness on Wheels program runs for 10 weeks and some years, the students received free bike helmets!

In 2015, in addition to the Wellness on Wheels program, CTC also began providing a family meal through our Summer Wellness program during the same evening bookmobile stops. The evening bookmobile stops are at locations where most of the children are on free and reduced lunch and might experience food insecurity during the summer months.

Funding Opportunities

The cost to operate the 10-week Wellness on Wheels and Summer Wellness programs is approximately $2,000. Funding for this program comes from generous business and individual donors.

For more information, please contact Angela Durantine, Program Director, at 717-350-0428.