School-Based Mentoring

Some kids just need an adult to talk to. Sure, they could talk with parents, teachers, coaches or clergy. But some just find it easier to talk with someone else.

Working with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region, we provide one-to-one mentoring between students and an adult buddy. All contact takes place at the school and all adults are carefully screened to make sure that they will be a good buddy for the student.

At the middle school, our mentors meet their buddies for breakfast in the cafeteria or faculty room from 7:30-8:00 a.m. At the elementary schools, our mentors typically meet their buddies during lunch. But regardless of when they meet, the goal is the same – to offer kids a chance to talk about things and realize that people care about them.

We have both the national and local research – as well as the input from the children we serve and volunteers we work with – that prove this program works. Children who have a mentor do better in school, get along better with peers and adults, and are less likely to skip school or start using drugs or alcohol.

Since 2002, more than 500 students have been matched with adult mentors in our programs. And we’re always looking for more adults.

“Since becoming a school based mentor I have found great pride in making a difference in a child’s life.  What I did not anticipate is how much my ‘Littles’ have positively influenced my life.”

Big Sister

“It would be great if she could come every day!”

Little Sister, East Hanover Elementary School

 “I love having a breakfast buddy to share my feelings or ideas with.”

Little Sister, LD Middle School

Funding Opportunities

Our school-based mentoring program is supported by Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region.

To get involved, please contact Angela Durantine, Program Director, at 717-350-0428.